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  • 周金秋
  • 研究员,研究组长,博士生导师,中心副主任,分子生物学国家重点实验室主任
  • E-mail: zhoulab@@sibcb.ac.cn
  • 实验室主页: 
  •   1984年至1988就读于南京大学生物系,获学士学位。1992至1997年就读于美国迈阿密大学医学院生物化学与分子生物学系,获博士学位。1998年至2001年在美国普林斯顿大学分子生物学系接受博士后训练。2001年9月受聘于生物化学与细胞生物学研究所,任研究员,博士生导师,2002年2月至2007年1月,任中国科学院与德国马普学会合作的青年科学家小组组长。

  • 染色质与细胞衰老
  • 实验室的长远目标是探索真核细胞维持染色体稳定性的机制和细胞衰老的机理。真核细胞中的染色质分为常染色质和异染色质,处于常染色质区的基因表达活跃,而处于异染色质区的基因保持沉默。由于异染色质会扩展,常、异染色质之间会形成特异的“边界”。该边界的形成既有特异的DNA元件,也有染色质的修饰因子参与。在酿酒酵母中,位于染色体末端的端粒是研究染色质结构/功能、沉默、染色质边界形成/调节、以及DNA复制/重组等表观遗传调控的很好的模型。端粒是由简单的DNA重复序列及其结合蛋白组成。端粒对于维持染色体的稳定性,维持细胞连续分裂和防止细胞衰老具有非常重要的作用。在大多数真核生物中,端粒DNA是由特异性的反转录酶、即端粒酶合成的,在端粒酶缺失的情况下也可以由同源的重组途径合成。另外,端粒也是一种典型的异染色质结构,能抑制相邻的基因表达。

    1. Yang-Yang Shao, Ning Lu, Zhen-Fang Wu, Chen Cai, Shan-Shan Wang, Ling-Li Zhang, Fan Zhou, Shi-Jun Xiao, Lin Liu, Xiao-Fei Zeng, Hua-Jun Zheng, Chen Yang, Zhi-Hu Zhao, Guo-Ping Zhao*, Jin-Qiu Zhou*, Xiao-Li Xue* & Zhong-Jun Qin*. (2018) Creating a functional single-chromosome yeast. Nature doi.org/10.1038/s41586-018-0382-x
    2. Ying-Ying Liu, Ming-Hong He, Jia-Cheng Liu, Yi-Si Lu, Jing Peng, Jin-Qiu Zhou*. (2018) Yeast KEOPS complex regulates telomere length independently of its t6A modification function. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 45(5): 247-257
    3. Zhen Zhou, Yu-Ting Liu, Li Ma, Ting Gong, Ya-nan Hu, Hong-Tao Li, Chen Cai Ling-Li Zhang, Gang Wei and Jin-Qiu Zhou*. (2017) Independent manipulation of histone H3 modifications in individual nucleosomes reveals the contributions of sister histones to transcription. eLife 6:e30178 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.30178
    4. Xiaoguang Liu, Wei Wei1, Yuting Liu, Xueli Yang, Jian Wu, Yang Zhang, Qiao Zhang, Tieliu Shi, James X Du, Yingming Zhao, Ming Lei, Jin-Qiu Zhou, Jiwen Li* and Jiemin Wong* (2017) MOF as an evolutionarily conserved histone crotonyltransferase and transcriptional activation by histone acetyltransferase- deficient and crotonyltransferase-competent CBP/p300. Cell Discovery 3, 17016
    5. 翻译著作:《抗衰老革命》,周金秋等译,“上海科学技术出版社”发行(ISBN 978-7-5478-3588-3),原著《The Telomerase Revolution》(原著作者:Michael Fossel,出版商:BenBella Books Inc.)
    6. Zhenfang Wu, Jun Liu, Qiong-Di Zhang, De-Kang Lv, Nian-Feng Wu and Jin-Qiu Zhou*. (2017) Rad6–Bre1-mediated H2B ubiquitination regulates telomere replication by promoting telomere-end resection. Nucleic Acids Research 45(6):3308-3322
    7. Jun Liu, Ming-Hong He, Jing Peng, Yi-Min Duan, Yi-Si Lu, Zhenfang Wu , Ting Gong, Hong-Tao Li, Jin-Qiu Zhou*. (2016) Tethering Telomerase to Telomeres Increases Genome Instability and Promotes Chronological Aging in Yeast. Aging 8(11): 2827-2847
    8. Yi-Min Duan, Bo-O Zhou, Jing Peng, Xia-Jing Tong, Qiong-Di Zhang and Jin-Qiu Zhou*. (2016) Molecular dynamics of de novo telomere heterochromatin formation in budding yeast. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 43(7): 451-465
    9. 细胞端粒藏着长寿的秘密(《人民日报》“科技大观”版)(科普文章),刘军,周金秋,《人民日报》, 2015年5月4日,22 版
    10. Hong-Tao Li, Ting Gong, Zhen Zhou, Yu-Ting Liu, Xiongwen Cao, Yongning He, Charlie Degui Chen*, Jin-Qiu Zhou*. (2015) Yeast Hmt1 catalyses asymmetric dimethylation of histone H3 arginine 2 in vitro. Biochemical Journal 467(3):507-515
    11. Jing Peng, Ming-Hong He, Yi-Ming Duan, Yu-Ting Liu, Jin-Qiu Zhou*. (2015) Inhibition of Telomere Recombination by Inactivation of KEOPS Subunit Cgi121 Promotes Cell Longevity. PloS Genetics 11(3):e1005071
    12. Fu XH, Duan YM, Liu YT, Cai C, Meng FL, Zhou JQ. (2014) Telomere recombination preferentially occurs at short telomeres in telomerase-null type II survivors, PloS One, 2014, 9(3):e90644.
    13. Hu Y, Tang HB, Liu NN, Tong XJ, Dang W, Duan YM, Fu XH, Zhang Y, Peng J, Meng FL, Zhou JQ. (2013) Telomerase-null survivor screening identifies novel telomere recombination regulators, PloS Genet., 9(1):e1003208.
    14. Li QJ, Tong XJ, Duan YM, Zhou JQ. (2013) Characterization of the intramolecular G-quadruplex promoting activity of Est1, FEBS Lett, 587(6):659-65.
    15. Peng J and Zhou JQ (2012) The tail-module of yeast Mediator complex is required for telomere heterochromatin maintenance. Nucleic Acids Res. 40: 581-593
    16. Zhou BO and Zhou JQ (2011) Recent transcription-induced histone H3K4 methylation inhibits gene reactivation. J. Biol. Chem. 286: 34770-776
    17. Wang SS, Zhou BO and Zhou JQ (2011) Histone H3 Lysine 4 hypermethylation prevents aberrant nucleosome remodeling at the PHO5 promoter. Mol. Cell. Biol. 31: 3171-81
    18. Tong XJ, Li QJ, Duan YM, Liu NN, Zhang ML and Zhou JQ (2011) Est1 protects telomeres and inhibits subtelomeric Y’-element recombination. Mol. Cell. Biol. 31(6): 1263-1274
    19. Zhou BO, Wang SS, Zhang Y, Fu XH, Dang W, Lenzmeier BA and Zhou JQ (2011) Histone H4 Lysine 12 Acetylation Regulates Telomeric Heterochromatin Plasticity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS Genet. 7: e1001272
    20. Zhou BO, Wang SS, Xu LX, Meng FL, Xuan YJ, Duan YM, Wang JY, Hu H, Dong XC, Ding JP and Zhou JQ (2010) SWR1 complex poises heterochromatin boundaries for antisilencing activity propagation. Mol. Cell. Biol. 30: 2391-2400
    21. Liu NN, Han TX, Du LL and Zhou JQ (2010) A genome-wide screen for Schizosaccharomyces pombe deletion mutants that affect telomere length. Cell Res. 20:963-965
    22. Meng FL, Chen XF, Hu Y, Tang HB, Dang W and Zhou JQ (2010) Sua5p is required for telomere recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cell Res. 20:495-498
    23. Zhang ML*, Tong XJ*, Fu XH, Zhou B, Wang JY, Liao XH, Li QJ, Shen N, Ding JP and Zhou JQ (2010) Yeast telomerase subunit Est1p has guanine quadruplex–promoting activity that is required for telomere elongation. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 17: 202-209
    24. Hu JL, Zhou BO, Zhang RR, Zhang KL, Zhou JQ and Xu GL (2009) The N-terminus of histone H3 is required for de novo DNA methylation in chromatin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 106: 187-192
    25. Meng FL, Hu Y, Shen N, Tong XJ, Wang JY, Ding JP and Zhou JQ (2009) Sua5p a single-stranded telomeric DNA-binding protein facilitates telomere replication. EMBO J. 28: 1466-1478
    26. Qian W, Wang JY, Jin NN, Fu XH, Lin YC, Lin JJ and Zhou JQ (2009) Ten1p promotes the telomeric DNA binding acivity of Cdc13p: an implication for its function in telomere length regulation. Cell Res. 19: 850-863
    27. Zhou J, Zhou BO, Lenzmeier BA and Zhou JQ (2009) Histone deacetylase Rpd3 antagonizes Sir2-dependent silent chromatin propagation. Nucleic Acids Res. 37: 3699-3713
    28. Chen XF, Meng FL and Zhou JQ (2009) Telomere recombination accelerates cellular aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS Genet. 5: e1000535
    29. Fu XH, Meng FL, Hu Y and Zhou JQ (2008) Candida albicans, a distinctive fungal model for cellular aging study. Aging Cell 7:746-757
    30. Yang CP, Chen YB, Meng FL and Zhou JQ (2006) Saccharomyces cerevisiae Est3p dimerizes in vitro and dimerization contributes to efficient telomere replication in vivo. Nucleic Acids Res. 34:407-416
    31. Zhang DH, Zhou B, Huang Y, Xu LX and Zhou JQ (2006) The human Pif1 helicase, a potential Escherichia coli RecD homologue, inhibits telomerase activity. Nucleic Acids Res. 34:1393-1404
    32. Chen YB, Yang CP, Li RX, Zeng R and Zhou JQ (2005) Def1p is involved in telomere maintenance in budding yeast. J. Biol. Chem. 280:24784-24791
    33. Liao XH, Zhang ML, Yang CP, Xu LX and Zhou JQ (2005) Characterization of recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomerase core enzyme purified from yeast. Biochem. J. 390:169-176
    34. Zhou JQ*, Qi H*, Schulz VP, Mateyak MK, Monson EK and Zakian VA (2002) Schizosaccharomyces pombe pfh1(+) Encodes an Essential 5’ to 3’ DNA Helicase That Is a Member of the PIF1 Subfamily of DNA Helicases. Mol. Biol. Cell. 13:2180-2191 (*Co-first author)
    35. Ivessa AS*, Zhou JQ*, Schulz VP, Monson EK and Zakian VA (2002) Saccharomyces Rrm3p, a 5’ to 3’ DNA helicase that promotes replication fork progression through telomeric and subtelomeric DNA. Genes & Dev. 16:1383-1396 (*Co-first author)
    36. Zhou JQ, Monson EK, Teng SC, Schulz VP and Zakian VA (2000) Pif1p Helicase, a Catalytic Inhibitor of Telomerase in Yeast. Science 289: 771-774
    37. Ivessa AS*, Zhou JQ* and Zakian VA (2000) The Saccharomyces Pif1p DNA helicase and the highly related Rrm3p have opposite effects on replication fork progression in ribosomal DNA. Cell 100: 479-489 (*Co-first author)
    38. Zhou JQ, He H, Tan CK, Downey KM and So AG (1997) The small subunit is required for functional interaction of DNA polymerase delta with the proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Nucleic Acids Res. 27:1094-1099
    39. Zhou JQ, Tan CK, So AG and Downey KM (1996) Purification and characterization of the human catalytic subunit of human DNA polymerase delta expressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells. J. Biol. Chem. 271:29740-29745