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  • 周波
  • 研究员,研究组长,博士生导师
  • E-mail: bo.zhou@@sibcb.ac.cn
  • 实验室主页: 
  •   2004年7月获华东师范大学学士学位;2010年7月获中国科学院上海生科院博士学位,之后留所工作一年;2011年10月至2016年7月在美国西南医学中心Sean J. Morrison实验室从事博士后研究,期间获Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Fellowship资助;2016年8月入职中国科学院生化与细胞所(现名:分子细胞科学卓越创新中心),任研究员,研究组长,博士生导师。2018年获中国干细胞协会青年研究员奖。2022年获上海市优秀学术带头人(青年)。

  • 成体干细胞的谱系与功能异质性
  •   本研究组以小鼠为主要研究模型,以骨髓为主要研究器官,以谱系示踪(Lineage-tracing)、条件性基因剔除(Conditional gene knockout)和单细胞组学(Single-cell -omics)为主要研究手段,探索成体干细胞和肿瘤干细胞的异质性及其赖以生存的微环境(巢,niche)。目前的研究内容包括:

      1. 造血干细胞巢的体外重建与人造血液

      造血干细胞(Hematopoietic stem cell,HSC)是一类具有自我更新能力的,在发育过程中及应激条件下能够分化成包括红系(Erythroid)、髓系(Myeloid)和淋巴系(Lymphoid)在内所有血液细胞的始祖细胞。在生理条件下,造血干细胞主要存在于骨髓中特异性的干细胞巢(niche)内。干细胞巢通过分泌生长因子促进造血干细胞自我更新(附图)。



      1) 探索生理以及病理条件下造血干细胞巢的组成与功能。

      2) 利用体外重建的干细胞巢实现人造血液的规模化制备。

      2. 白血病干细胞巢的组成鉴定与靶向治疗

      与正常组织一样,肿瘤组织也存在一群始祖细胞,称为肿瘤干细胞。白血病干细胞(Leukemia stem cell)是经典的肿瘤干细胞,是一群具有自我更新能力、并能产生异质性白血病细胞群体的白血病细胞。白血病干细胞的存在可使肿瘤的手术和放化疗失败,导致手术后和放化疗后的肿瘤复发。经典的观点认为,白血病干细胞劫持了正常造血干细胞的自我更新机器。针对白血病干细胞,本研究组有以下两个研究目标:

      1) 阐明白血病细胞对正常造血干细胞巢功能的影响。

      2) 通过干扰白血病干细胞巢实现白血病的靶向治疗。

      3. 间充质干细胞与组织损伤修复

      间充质干细胞(Mesenchymal stem cell)是广泛存在于各种成体组织中的基质前体细胞,是目前除造血干细胞以外最具医用价值的成体干细胞,被称为组织修复的“微药厂”,其临床试验已覆盖美容、抗衰老、抑制肿瘤和调节免疫等。骨髓中的间充质干细胞又称骨骼干细胞(Skeletal stem cell),其主要生物学功能是骨骼生成和再生,同时,它们也是造血干细胞巢的关键组分。针对间充质干细胞,本课题组有以下两个研究目标:

      1) 探索骨髓间充质干细胞的异质性及其造血调控作用。

      2) 探索非骨髓组织的间充质干细胞的生理及病理功能。

    1. (2024年)

    2. Yiming Liam Liu, Xinyu Thomas Tang, Hui Sophie Shu, Weiguo Zou* and Bo O. Zhou*. 2024. Fibrous periosteum repairs bone fracture and maintains the healed bone throughout mouse adulthood. Developmental Cell 59(5):1-18.
    3. Jing-Jing Li, Jingkun Liu, Yunqian Evelyn Li, Lin Veronica Chen, Hui Cheng*, Yueying Li*, Tao Cheng*, Qian-Fei Wang* and Bo O. Zhou*. 2024. Differentiation route determines the functional outputs of adult megakaryopoiesis. Immunity 57(3):1-17.


    1. Jing Cao, Qi Jason Yao, Jiao Wu, Xiaonan Chen, Lin Huang, Wanshan Liu, Kun Qian*, Jing-Jing Wan* and Bo O. Zhou*. 2023. Deciphering the metabolic heterogeneity of hematopoietic stem cells with single-cell resolution. Cell Metabolism 36:209–221.
    2. Yi Jacky Peng, Xinyu Thomas Tang, Hui Sophie Shu, Wenjie Dong, Hongfang Shao* and Bo O. Zhou*. 2023. Sertoli cells are the source of stem cell factor for spermatogenesis. Development 150(6):dev200706. 


    1. Zhaofeng Zheng#, Han He#, Xinyu Thomas Tang#, Han Zhang#, …, Bing Liu*, Bo O. Zhou*, Tao Cheng*, Hui Cheng*. 2022. Uncovering the emergence of HSCs in the human fetal bone marrow by single-cell RNA-seq analysis. Cell Stem Cell 29(11):1562-1579. (封面文章, *co-corresponding authors) 


    1. Hui Sophie Shu, Yiming Liam Liu, Xinyu Thomas Tang, Xinyi Shirley Zhang, Bin Zhou, Weiguo Zou and Bo O. Zhou. 2021. Tracing the skeletal progenitor transition during postnatal bone formation. Cell Stem Cell 28(12):2122-2136.
    2. Shan-Shan Wang, Xinyu Thomas Tang, Minghui Lin, Jia Yuan, Yi Jacky Peng, Xiujuan Yin, GuoGuo Shang, Gaoxiang Ge, Zhenggang Ren and Bo O. Zhou. 2021. Perivenous stellate cells are the main source of myofibroblasts and cancer-associated-fibroblasts formed after chronic liver injuries. Hepatology 74(3):1578-1594. 


    1. Di Demi He, Xinyu Thomas Tang, Wenjie Dong, Guizhong Cui, Guangdun Peng1, Xiujuan Yin, Yujie Chen, Naihe Jing and Bo O. Zhou. 2020. C-KIT expression distinguishes fetal from postnatal skeletal progenitors. Stem Cell Reports 14(4):614-630.    


    1. Yi Jacky Peng, Hua Yu, Xiaoxin Hao, Wenjie Dong, Xiujuan Yin, Minghui Lin, Junke Zheng and Bo O. Zhou. 2018. Luteinizing hormone signaling restricts hematopoietic stem cell expansion during puberty. EMBO Journal37(17):e98984.
    2. Qi Jason Yao, Lina Sang, Minghui Lin, Xiujuan Yin, Wenjie Dong, Yuping Gong and Bo O. Zhou. 2018. Mettl3-Mettl14 methyltransferase complex regulates the quiescence of adult hematopoietic stem cells. Cell Research  28(9):952-954.    


    1. Bo O. Zhou*, Hua Yu, Rui Yue, Jonathan J. Rios, Olaia Naveiras and Sean J. Morrison*. 2017. Bone marrow adipocytes promote the regeneration of stem cells and hematopoiesis after irradiation by secreting SCF. Nature Cell Biology 19, 851-903 (封面文章, *co-corresponding authors)
    2. Bo O. Zhou, Linheng Li, Meng Zhao. 2017. “The evolvement of hematopoietic stem cell niches” in Advances in Stem Cells and Their Niches, volume 1. Elsevier, 2017 (Book chapter)    


    1. Christopher N. Inra#, Bo O. Zhou#, Melih Acar, Malea M. Murphy, James Richardson, Zhiyu Zhao, Sean J. Morrison. 2015. A perisinusoidal niche for extramedullary haematopoiesis in the spleen. Nature (Article) 527:466-471. (#co-first authors)
    2. Bo O. Zhou#, Lei Ding#, Sean J. Morrison. 2015. Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells regulate the regeneration of their niche by secreting Angiopoietin-1. eLife 4:e05521.(#co-first authors)
    3. Bo O. Zhou, Rui Yue, Malea M. Murphy, James Peyer, Sean J. Morrison. 2014. Leptin-receptor-expressing mesenchymal stromal cells represent the main source of bone formed by adult bone marrow. Cell Stem Cell 15:154-168.    


    1. Shan-Shan Wang, Bo O. Zhou*, Jin-Qiu Zhou*. 2011. Histone H3 lysine 4 hypermethylation prevents aberrant nucleosome remodeling at the PHO5 promoter. Molecular Cell Biology 31:3171-3181.(*co-corresponding authors)
    2. Bo O. Zhou, Jin-Qiu Zhou. 2011. Recent transcription-induced histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methylation inhibits gene reactivation. Journal of Biology Chemistry 286:34770-34776.
    3. Bo O. Zhou, Shan-Shan Wang, Yang Zhang, Xiao-Hong Fu, Wei Dang, Brian A. Lenzmeier, Jin-Qiu Zhou. 2011. Histone H4 lysine 12 acetylation regulates telomeric heterochromatin plasticity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS Genetics 7:e1001272.
    4. Bo O. Zhou, Shan-Shan Wang, Lu-Xia Xu, Fei-Long Meng, Yao-Ji Xuan, Yi-Min Duan, Jian-Yong Wang, Hao Hu, Xianchi Dong, Jianping Ding, Jin-Qiu Zhou. 2010. SWR1 complex poises heterochromatin boundaries for antisilencing activity propagation. Molecular and Cellular Biology 30:2391-2400.
    5. Deng-Hong Zhang#, Bo O. Zhou#, Yu Huang, Lu-Xia Xu, Jin-Qiu Zhou. 2006. The human Pif1 helicase, a potential Escherichia coli RecD homologue, inhibits telomerase activity. Nucleic Acids Research 34:1393-1404.(#co-first authors)
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