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  • 高大明
  • 研究员,研究组长,博士生导师
  • E-mail: dgao@@sibcb.ac.cn
  •   2001年毕业于山东大学,获学士学位;2006年毕业于中科院生化与细胞所,获博士学位。2006年12月至2012年7月于美国哈佛医学院/以色列女执事医学中心(Harvard Medical School/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)从事博士后研究。2012年7月底回国就任中国科学院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所研究员,研究组长。

  • 癌症信号转导与代谢
  •   肿瘤细胞的一个重要特征是近乎无限的分裂增殖。这种表型可能由多种生理过程的异常所引起,包括细胞周期负调因子的缺失突变、细胞代谢途径的超常活跃、关键信号通路的活化及细胞凋亡通路的异常等。本实验室的研究兴趣主要集中于调控肿瘤细胞生长增殖的核心信号转导与细胞代谢调节机制方面,特别是发现关键信号蛋白的重要转录后修饰,从而诠释肿瘤细胞生长增殖/癌症发生发展的分子机制,并为癌症的临床治疗提供新的思路与治疗靶点。

    1. Gao, D*. and J. W. Ping Yam (2024). "Reversal of lipid metabolism as a therapeutic approach for HCC." Hepatology.
    2. Liu, Q.#, J. Zhang, C.# Guo, M#. Wang, C#. Wang, Y#. Yan, L. Sun, D. Wang, L. Zhang, H. Yu, L. Hou, C. Wu, Y. Zhu, G. Jiang, H. Zhu, Y. Zhou, S. Fang, T. Zhang, L. Hu, J. Li, Y. Liu, H. Zhang, B. Zhang, L. Ding, A. I. Robles, H. Rodriguez, D. Gao*, H. Ji*, H. Zhou* and P. Zhang* (2024). "Proteogenomic characterization of small cell lung cancer identifies biological insights and subtype-specific therapeutic strategies." Cell 187(1): 184-203.e128.
    3. Chen, M.# , K. Wang# , Y. Han# , S. Yan# , H. Yuan, Q. Liu, L. Li, N. Li, H. Zhu, D. Lu, K. Wang, F. Liu, D. Luo, Y. Zhang, J. Jiang, D. Li, L. Zhang, H. Ji, H. Zhou, Y. Chen*, J. Qin* and D. Gao* (2023). "Identification of XAF1 as an endogenous AKT inhibitor." Cell Reports 42(7).
    4. Gao, D. and G. Ge (2023). "Exploring the underlying biology of cancer and potential therapeutic strategies: a special issue focused on mechanism-based studies." Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 55(6): 891-892.
    5. Luo, D.#, M. Chen#, Q. Li#, K. Wang, K. Wang, J. Li, G. Fu, Z. Shan, Q. Liu, Y. Yang, L. Liang, Y. Ma, Y. Qin, J. Qin, D. Gao* and X. Li* (2023). "CUL4B-DDB1-COP1-mediated UTX downregulation promotes colorectal cancer progression." Experimental Hematology and Oncology 12(1).
    6. Dong, L.#, D. Lu#, R. Chen#, Y. Lin#, H. Zhu#, Z. Zhang#, S. Cai#, P. Cui, G. Song, D. Rao, X. Yi, Y. Wu, N. Song, F. Liu, Y. Zou, S. Zhang, X. Zhang, X. Wang, S. Qiu, J. Zhou, S. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Shi, D. Figeys, L. Ding, P. Wang, B. Zhang, H. Rodriguez, Q. Gao*, D. Gao*, H. Zhou* and J. Fan*(2022). "Proteogenomic characterization identifies clinically relevant subgroups of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma." Cancer Cell 40(1): 70-87.e15.
    7. Cui, B.#, L. Gong#, M. Chen, Y. Zhang, H. Yuan, J. Qin and D. Gao* (2019). "CUL5-SOCS6 complex regulates mTORC2 function by targeting Sin1 for degradation." Cell Discovery 5(1).
    8. Gao, Q.#, H. Zhu#, L. Dong#, W. Shi#, R. Chen#, Z. Song, C. Huang, J. Li, X. Dong, Y. Zhou, Q. Liu, L. Ma, X. Wang, J. Zhou, Y. Liu, E. Boja, A. I. Robles, W. Ma, P. Wang, Y. Li, L. Ding, B. Wen, B. Zhang, H. Rodriguez, D. Gao*, H. Zhou* and J. Fan* (2019). "Integrated Proteogenomic Characterization of HBV-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma." Cell 179(2): 561-577.e522.
    9. Kuai, X#., L. Li#, R. Chen, K. Wang, M. Chen, B. Cui, Y. Zhang, J. Li, H. Zhu, H. Zhou, J. Huang, J. Qin, Z. Wang, W. Wei and D. Gao* (2019). "SCFFBXW7/GSK3β-mediated GFI1 degradation suppresses proliferation of gastric cancer cells." Cancer Research 79(17): 4387-4398.
    10. Zhao, G., L. Gong, D. Su, Y. Jin, C. Guo, M. Yue, S. Yao, Z. Qin, Y. Ye, Y. Tang, Q. Wu, J. Zhang, B. Cui, Q. Ding, H. Huang, L. Hu, Y. Chen, P. Zhang, G. Hu, L. Chen, K. K. Wong, D. Gao*and H. Ji* (2019). "Cullin5 deficiency promotes small-cell lung cancer metastasis by stabilizing integrin β1." Journal of Clinical Investigation 129(3): 972-987.
    11. Xie, X., H. Hu, X. Tong, L. Li, X. Liu, M. Chen, H. Yuan, X. Xie, Q. Li, Y. Zhang, H. Ouyang, M. Wei, J. Huang, P. Liu, W. Gan, Y. Liu, A. Xie, X. Kuai, G. W. Chirn, H. Zhou, R. Zeng, R. Hu, J. Qin, F. L. Meng, W. Wei, H. Ji and D. Gao* (2018). "The mTOR-S6K pathway links growth signalling to DNA damage response by targeting RNF168." Nature Cell Biology 20(3): 320-331.
    12. Hu, H., W. Zhu, J. Qin, M. Chen, L. Gong, L. Li, X. Liu, Y. Tao, H. Yin, H. Zhou, L. Zhou, D. Ye, Q. Ye and D. Gao (2017). "Acetylation of PGK1 promotes liver cancer cell proliferation and tumorigenesis." Hepatology 65(2): 515-528.
    13. Liu, X., M. Chen, L. Li, L. Gong, H. Zhou and D. Gao* (2017). "Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinases (ERKs) phosphorylate Lin28a protein to modulate P19 cell proliferation and differentiation." Journal of Biological Chemistry 292(10): 3970-3976.
    14. Lau AW#, Liu P#, Inuzuka H*, Gao D*. SIRT1 phosphorylation by AMP-activated protein kinase regulates p53 acetylation. Am J Cancer Res. 2014 May 26;4(3):245-55.
    15. Inuzuka H#, Gao D#, Finley LW, Yang W, Wan L, Fukushima H, Chin YR, Zhai B, Shaik S, Lau AW, Wang Z, Gygi SP, Nakayama K, Teruya-Feldstein J, Toker A, Haigis MC, Pandolfi PP, Wei W. Acetylation-dependent regulation of Skp2 function. Cell. 2012 Jul 6;150(1):179-93. (* Co-first author)
    16. Gao D#, Inuzuka I#, Tan M#, Fukushima H, Locasale JW, Liu P, Wan L, Zhai B, Chin YR, Shaik S, Lyssiotis CA, Gygi SP, Toker A, Cantley LC, Asara JM, Harper JW and Wei W. mTOR drives its own activation via SCFβ-TRCP-dependent degradation of the mTOR inhibitor DEPTOR. Mol Cell, 2011, 44(2):290-303. (# Co-first author)
    17. Gao D, Wan L, Inuzuka H, Berg AH, Tseng A, Zhai B, Shaik S, Bennet E, Tron AE, Gasser JA, Lau A, Gygi S, Harper JW, DeCaprio JA, Toker A and Wei W. Rictor forms a complex with Cullin-1 to promote SGK1 ubiquitination and destruction. Mol Cell, 2010, 39: 797-808.
    18. Gao D, Inuzuka H, Korenjak M, Tseng A, Wu T, Wan L, Kirschner M, Dyson N and Wei W. Cdh1 regulates cell cycle through modulating the Claspin/Chk1 and the Rb/E2F1 pathways. Mol Biol Cell, 2009, 20: 3305-3316.
    19. Gao D, Inuzuka H, Tseng A, Chin R, Toker A and Wei W. Phosphorylation by Akt1 promotes cytoplasmic localization of Skp2 and impairs APC/Cdh1-medaited Skp2 destruction. Nat Cell Biol, 2009, 11: 397-408.