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  • 曾艺
  • 研究员,研究组长,博士生导师
  • E-mail: yzeng@@sibcb.ac.cn
  • 实验室主页: www.zenglab.org
  • 成体干细胞的信号调控及癌症发生
  •   成体组织中存在着能够自我更新、有多种分化潜能的细胞称成体干细胞。成体干细胞对器官的发育、自稳态维持有至关重要的作用,还有可能是癌症发生的细胞靶点。成体干细胞领域的挑战是:1)许多器官成体干细胞的身份属性并不清楚;2)成体干细胞一旦离开了体内的微环境信号,在体外不能维持干细胞的特性(干性),并且干细胞的数量难以在体外扩增,使得相关的分子机制研究难以进行。针对这些挑战和机遇,实验室的近期目标一是发现成体干细胞的身份属性,尤其是干细胞表面的特异标记分子,能够富集并分离得到活体的干细胞;目标二是发现成体干细胞的微环境因子,使得成体干细胞在体外能够长期培养和扩增,并保持干性。


      1) 发现各器官中成体干细胞的身份属性,包括乳腺、卵巢、血管、胰腺等;

      2) 通过对比各成体干细胞,阐明干细胞“干性”的分子组成;

      3) 发现成体干细胞新的微环境因子,阐明其调控干细胞的分子机理;

      4) 研究干细胞关键调控分子在再生医学、癌症治疗中的调控变化。


    1. Yu QC, Verheyen EM,Zeng YA*. Mammary Development and Breast Cancer: A Wnt Perspective. Cancers. Jul 13;8(7).pii: E65. doi: 10.3390/cancers8070065. (2016)
    2. Yu QC, Song W, Wang D, Zeng YA*. Identification of blood vascular endothelial stem cells by the expression of protein C receptor. Cell Research. Jul 1. doi: 10.1038/cr.2016.85. (2016)
    3. Zeng L+, Cai C+, Li S, Yu QC, Wang W, Li Y, Chen J, Zhu X*, Zeng YA*. Essential roles of Cyclin Y-like 1 and Cyclin Y in dividing Wnt-responsive mammary stem/progenitor cells. PLOS Genetics. May 20;12(5):e1006055 (2016)
    4. WANGD+, Zeng YA*. Identification of Multipotent Mammary Stem Cells by Protein C Receptor Expression. Nature. Jan 1;517(7532):81-4 (2015)
    5. Cai C, Yu QC, Jiang W, Liu W, Song W, Yu H, Zhang L, Yang Y, Zeng YA*. R-spondin1 is a novel hormone mediator for mammary stem cell self-renewal. Genes Dev. Sep 26;28: 2205–2218 (2014)
    6. Harburg G, Compton J, Liu W, Iwai N, Zada S, Marlow R, Strickland P, Zeng YA, Hinck L. SLIT/ROBO2 Signaling Promotes Mammary Stem Cell Senescence by Inhibiting Wnt Signaling. Stem Cell Reports. Sep 9;3(3):385-93 (2014)
    7. Jan TA, Chai R, Sayyid ZN, van Amerongen R, Xia A, Wang T, Sinkkonen ST, Zeng YA, Levin JR, Heller S, Nusse R, Cheng AG. Tympanic border cells are Wnt-responsive and can act as progenitors for postnatal mouse cochlear cells. Development. Mar;140(6):1196-206 (2013)
    8. Zeng YA*. Beyond nutrients and bonding: p63-positive progenitors in breast milk. Cell Cycle. Feb 15;10(4):579-8 (2011)
    9. Zeng YA and Nusse R*. Wnt proteins serve as self-renewal factors for mammary stem cells and promote their long-term expansion in culture. Cell Stem Cell. Jun 4;6(6):568-77 (2010)
    10. Minear S, Leucht P, Jiang J, Liu B, Zeng A, Fuerer C, Nusse R, and Helms JA. Wnt proteins promote bone regeneration. Science Translational Medicine. Apr; 28;2(29):29ra30 (2010)
    11. Nusse R, Fuerer C, Ching W, Harnish K, Logan C, Zeng A, Ten Berge D, Kalani Y. Wnt Signaling and Stem Cell Control. Cold Spring HarbSymp Quant Biol. ;73:59-66 (2008)
    12. Zeng YA+, Rahnama M+, Wang S, Lee W, Verheyen EM*. Inhibition of Drosophila Wg signaling involves competition between Mad and Armadillo/beta-catenin for dTcf binding. PLoS ONE. Dec; 3(12):e3893 (2008)
    13. Zeng YA+, Rahnama M+, Wang, Sosu-Sedzorme W, Verheyen EM*. Drosophila Nemo antagonizes BMP signaling by phosphorylation of Mad and inhibition of its nuclear accumulation.” Development. Jun; 134(11):2061-71 (2007)
    14. Zeng YA and Verheyen EM*. Nemo is an inducible antagonist of Wingless signaling during Drosophila wing development.Development. Jun; 131(12):2911-20 (2004)