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  • 孟飞龙
  • 研究员,研究组长,博士生导师
  • E-mail: Feilong.Meng@@sibcb.ac.cn
  • 实验室主页: http://menglab.sibcb.ac.cn/
  •   2003年毕业于南开大学,获学士学位;2009年毕业于中国科学院上海生科院生化与细胞所,获得博士学位。2009年11月至2015年9月在于美国哈佛大学医学院/波士顿儿科医院(Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital)从事博士后研究,先后获得Cancer Research Institute Research Fellowship,Lymphoma Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship等基金资助。2015年9月起任中国科学院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心(上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所)研究员、博士生导师、研究组长。

  • 免疫受体多样化
  •   基因组编码的遗传信息是生命活动的基础,而生命活动又常伴随着DNA损伤的被动发生,因此生物进化出多套机制维持其稳定性。而“祸福相依”,特定细胞会主动发生基因组DNA变异,改变编码信息,获得新的功能。适应性免疫系统中抗原受体多样性产生即是哺乳动物中少数的DNA程序性变异过程之一。在应对复杂的生存环境中,免疫B淋巴细胞经历一系列的基因重排、高频突变、DNA重组等过程,产生高效亲和力抗体分子。B细胞特异性DNA脱氨酶AID起始了抗体基因程序性DNA断裂或突变,最终,单一的DNA序列转化为天文数字的抗体基因。免疫多样化的缺陷会导致各种原发性免疫缺陷疾病,而程序性DNA损伤的错误调控也会造成其它基因上的DNA损伤,导致免疫系统肿瘤的发生发展。


    1. (# 第一作者, * 通讯作者)

      A full list:



    2. Min Emma Huang#; Yining Qin#; Yafang Shang#; Qian Hao; Chuanzong Zhan; Chaoyang Lian; Simin Luo; Liu Daisy Liu; Senxin Zhang; Yu Zhang; Yang Wo; Niu Li; Shuheng Wu; Tuantuan Gui; Binbin Wang; Yifeng Luo; Yanni Cai; Xiaojing Liu; Ziye Xu; Pengfei Dai; Simiao Li; Liang Zhang; Junchao Dong; Jian Wang; Xiaoqi Zheng; Yingjie Xu; Yihua Sun; Wei Wu; Leng-Siew Yeap*; Fei-Long Meng* ; C- to-G editing generates double-strand breaks causing deletion, transversion and translocation, Nature Cell Biology, 2024, 26: 294-304
    3. Wang Y, Meng F L*, and Yeap L S.*, (2024). DNA flexibility can shape the preferential hypermutation of antibody genes. Trends Immunol., 2024,45(3): 2.
    4. (2023年)

    5. Wang, Y. #, Zhang, S., Yang, X., Hwang, J.K., Zhan, C., Lian, C., Wang, C., Gui, T., Wang, B., Xie, X., Dai, P., Zhang, L., Tian, Y., Zhang, H., Han, C., Cai, Y., Hao, Q., Ye, X., Liu, X., Liu, J., Cao, Z., Huang, S., Song, J., Pan-Hammarström, Q., Zhao, Y., Alt, F.W., Zheng, X., Da, L.T., Yeap, L.S.*, and Meng, F.L.* (2023). Mesoscale DNA Feature in Antibody-Coding Sequence Facilitates Somatic Hypermutation. Cell. 2023 May 11;186(10):2193-2207.e19.
    6. Wang, Y., Zhang, S., Zheng, X., Yeap, L.S.*, and Meng, F.L.* (2023). A high-throughput protocol for deamination of long single-stranded DNA and oligo pools containing complex sequences STAR Protocols. 4(4):102602
    7. Wang, Y., Zhang, S., Yang, X., Hwang, J.K., Zhan, C., Lian, C., Wang, C., Gui, T., Wang, B., Xie, X., Dai, P., Zhang, L., Tian, Y., Zhang, H., Han, C., Cai, Y., Hao, Q., Ye, X., Liu, X., Liu, J., Cao, Z., Huang, S., Song, J., Pan-Hammarstro?m, Q., Zhao, Y., Alt, F.W., Zheng, X., Da, L.T., Yeap, L.S.*, and Meng, F.L.* (2023). Mesoscale DNA Feature in Antibody-Coding Sequence Facilitates Somatic Hypermutation. Cell. 186(10), in press(2022年)
    8. Lin K#, Zhou Y#, Ai J#, Wang Y#, Zhang S#, Qiu C#, Lian C, Gao B, Liu T, Wang H, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Fu Z, Li D, Jiang N, Guo J, Wu J, Wang YO, Song S, Li Q, Yin Y, Xia J, Xu Y, Yeap LS, Zheng X, Gu Y, Liu H*, Zhang W*, and Meng FL* (2022) B cell Receptor Signatures Associating with Strong and Poor SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Response. Emerging Microbes & Infections 11(1):452-464
    9. Xie X#, Gan T#, Rao B#, Zhang W, Panchakshari RA, Yang D, Ji X, Cao Y, Alt FW, Meng FL*, Hu J*. (2022) C-terminal deletion-induced condensation sequesters AID from IgH targets in immunodeficiency. EMBO J. e109324
    10. Meng F.L.,  Guest Editor (2022). Install, repair and outcomes: a special issue on physiological and programmed DNA lesions. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. doi: 10.3724/abbs.2022058.(2021年)
    11. Liu DL, Lian C, Yeap LS* and Meng FL* (2021) The development of neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 and their common features. J Mol Cell Biol 10;12(12):980-986
    12. Yuan C, Chen H, Tu S, Huang HY, Pan Y, Gui X, Kuang M, Shen X, Zheng Q, Zhang Y, Cheng C, Hong H, Tao X, Peng Y, Yao X, Meng F*, Ji H*, Shao Z*, Sun Y*. (2021) A systematic dissection of the epigenomic heterogeneity of lung adenocarcinoma reveals two different subclasses with distinct prognosis and core regulatory networks. Genome Biol. 22(1):156
    13. Li T#, Cai H#, Zhao Y#, Li Y#, Lai Y#, Yao H#, Liu LD#, Sun Z#, van Vlissingen MF, Kuiken T, GeurtsvanKessel CH, Zhang N, Zhou B, Lu L, Gong Y, Qin W, Mondal M, Duan B, Xu S, Richard AS, Raoul H, Chen J, Xu C, Wu L, Zhou H, Huang Z, Zhang X, Li J, Wang Y, Bi Y, Rockx B, Chen J, Meng FL*, Lavillette D*, Li D*. (2021) Uncovering a conserved vulnerability site in SARS-CoV-2 by a human antibody. EMBO Mol Med. 13(12):e14544(2020年)
    14. Liu X#, Liu T#, Shang Y#, Dai P#, Zhang W, Lee BJ, Huang M, Yang D, Wu Q, Liu LD, Zheng X, Zhou BO, Dong J, Yeap LS, Hu J, Xiao T, Zha S, Casellas R, Liu XS, and Meng FL*. (2020). ERCC6L2 promotes DNA orientation-specific recombination in mammalian cells. Cell Research. 30(9):732-744.
    15. Yang D, Sun Y, Chen J, Zhang Y, Fan S, Huang M, Xie X, Cai Y, Shang Y, Gui T, Sun L, Hu J, Dong J, Yeap LS, Wang X, Xiao W and Meng FL*, (2020). REV7 is required for processing AID initiated DNA lesions in activated B cells. Nat Commun. 11(1):2812.
    16. Li J, Shang Y, Wang L, Zhao B, Sun C, Li J, Liu S, Li C, Tang M, Meng FL*, Zheng P*.Genome integrity and neurogenesis of postnatal hippocampal neural stem/progenitor cells require a unique regulator Filia. (2020) Sci Adv. 6(44):eaba0682.(2019年)
    17. Yeap LS* and Meng FL* (2019). Cis- and trans- factors affecting AID targeting and mutagenic outcomes in antibody diversification. Adv Immunol. 141, 51-103.(2018年)
    18. Liu LD, Huang M, Dai P, Liu T, Fan S, Cheng X, Zhao Y, Yeap LS and Meng FL* (2018). Intrinsic Nucleotide Preference of Diversifying Base Editors Guides Antibody Ex Vivo Affinity Maturation. Cell Rep 25, 884-892 e883
    19. Liu X and Meng FL*, (2018). Generation of Genomic Alteration from Cytidine Deamination. Adv Exp Med Biol 1044, 49-64.(2016年)
    20. 刘婷婷,孟飞龙* (2016). 抗体多样化及相关免疫系统疾病研究进展. 中国细胞生物学学报 38(5).(博士后训练阶段)
    21. Meng FL, Alt FW, Tian M, “The Mechanism of Class Switch Recombination” in Molecular Biology of B Cells, 2nd Edition, Honjo T, Alt FW, Reth M, Radbruch A; Elsevier, 2014
    22. Ba Z#, Meng FL#, Gostissa M#, Huang PY, Ke Q, Wang Z, Dao MN, Fujiwara Y, Rajewsky K*, Zhang B* and Alt FW*. (2015). A Rapid Embryonic Stem Cell-Based Mouse Model for B-cell Lymphomas Driven by Epstein-Barr Virus Protein LMP1. Cancer Immunol Res 3, 641-649.
    23. Meng FL#, Du Z#, Federation A#, Hu J, Wang Q, Kieffer-Kwon KR, Meyers RM, Amor C, Wasserman CR, Neuberg D, Casellas R, Nussenzweig M, Bradner JE*, Liu XS, Alt FW* (2014) Convergent Transcription at Intragenic Super-Enhancers Targets AID-initiated Genomic Instability. Cell. 159, 1538-1548.
    24. Alt FW*, Zhang Y, Meng FL, Guo C, Schwer B (2013) Mechanisms of programmed DNA lesions and genomic instability in the immune system. Cell. 152(3):417-29
    25. Basu U#, Meng FL#, Keim C#, Grinstein V, Pefanis E, Eccleston J, Zhang T, Myers D, Wasserman CR, Wesemann DR, Januszyk K, Gregory RI, Deng H, Lima CD, Alt FW*. (2011) The RNA Exosome Targets Activation Induced Cytidine Deaminase to Both Strands of Transcribed Duplex DNA Substrates. Cell 144(3):353-63. 
  • 实验室2023年合影