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  • 李逸平
  • 研究员,研究组长,博士生导师
  • E-mail: yipingli@@sibcb.ac.cn
  • 实验室主页: 
  • 李逸平博士自1990年起先后在中国科学院上海细胞生物学研究所、中国科学院上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所任助理研究员、副研究员、研究员,曾任课题组长、所长助理、副所长等职,并兼任中国细胞生物学会理事、副秘书长。2000年4月起同时担任上海市科学技术协会副主席,曾兼任国家人类基因组南方研究中心、国家药物筛选研究中心、上海市新药研究开发中心等理事长。李逸平研究员一直从事细胞生物学和发育生物学方面的研究工作,以斑马鱼、小鼠为模式动物重点研究生殖细胞及早胚胎发育调控机制,主要研究成果以论文、专利形式体现。曾先后参与或主持了国家科技部、国家自然科学基金、中科院、农业部和上海市的科学研究项目。

  • 生殖细胞与胚胎发育的机制研究
  • 众所周知,生命个体从受精卵开始经过一系列的生物学事件发育成熟,其中蕴藏着精妙的分子调控机制,这是科学家们一直以来想要阐明的科学奥秘。本实验室多年来一直从事胚胎发育和生殖细胞方面的研究,主要以斑马鱼和小鼠等为研究模型,利用实验生物学以及生物信息学等手段对早期胚胎发育过程中母型因子调控胚胎发育以及合子型基因开启的机制等方面进行研究,以阐明早期胚胎发育的分子调控机制。同时,我们也建立了斑马鱼胚胎细胞体外培养体系以及基于胚胎细胞移植的斑马鱼半克隆技术,并以此工具研究斑马鱼母型合子型转换的调控机制及重编程机制,这不仅能简化斑马鱼基因编辑品系的建立方法,同时也有助于了解发育缺陷、不孕不育等疾病的发病机理。

    1. Xu J, Liu SQ, Ai YR, Zhang YB, Li SF, Li YP*. Establishment and transcriptome analysis of single blastomere-derived cell lines from zebrafish, J Genet Genomics 2024; 51(9):957-969.
    2. Liu SQ, Xu J, Ai YR, Zhang YB, Li SF, Li JS, Li YP*. Derivation of zebrafish heart-related haploid cells. J Mol Cell Biol 2023; 15(12), mjad077
    3. Zhang XY, Li YP, Zhang YB, Li SF. Characterization of small RNAs in early zebrafish PGCs. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2021; 53(4): 514-516.
    4. Yang QY, Li RH, Lyu QF, Hou Li, Liu Z, Sun, Q, Liu M, Shi HJ, Xu BY, Yin MR, Yan ZG, H Y, Liu MF, Li YP*, Wu LG. Single-cell CAS-seq reveals a class of short PIWI-interacting RNAs in human oocytes. Nat Commun 2019;10(1):3389.
    5. Zhang XY, Li XT, Li RH, Zhang YB, Li YP, Li SF. Transcriptomic profile of early zebrafish PGCs by single cell sequencing. PLoS One 2019; 14(8): e0220364.
    6. Zhang WW, Zhang YB, Li SF, Yan YC, Li YP*. Prmt7 regulates epiboly and gastrulation cell movements by facilitating syntenin. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2018;50(12): 1280-1287.
    7. Liu WQ, Li SF, Zhang YB, Li JS, Li YP*. Efficient CRISPR-based genome editing using tandem guide RNAs and editable surrogate reporters. Febs Open Bio 2018; 8(7): 1167-1175.
    8. Liu WQ, Zhang YB, Li SF, Li YP*. Rapid and efficient CRISPR-mediated genome editing with cloning-free method. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2018; 50(11): 1173-1175.
    9. Zhao XX, Zhang YB, Ni PL, Wu ZL, Yan YC, Li YP*. Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 6 (Prmt6) Is Essential for Early Zebrafish Development through the Direct Suppression of gadd45a Stress Sensor Gene. J Biol Chem 2016; 291(1): 402-412.
    10. Zhang WW, Zhang YB, Zhao XX, Hua Y, Wu ZL, Yan YC, Li YP* Prmt7 regulates epiboly by facilitating 2-OST and modulating actin cytoskeleton. J Mol Cell Biol 2015; 7(5):489-91
    11. Zheng HP, Du Y, Hua Y, Wu ZL, Yan YC, Li YP*. Essential role of Fbxl14 ubiquitin ligase in regulation of vertebrate axis formation through modulating Mkp3 level. Cell Res 2012;22(5):936–940
    12. Hu SN, Yu H, Zhang YB, Wu ZL, Yan YC, Li YX, Li YY, Li YP*. Splice blocking of zygotic sox31 leads to developmental arrest shortly after Mid-Blastula Transition and induces apoptosis in zebrafish. FEBS Lett 2012; 586(3):222–228.
    13. Cao JL, Shen YD, Zhu L, Xu YN, Zhou YZ, Wu ZL, Li YP, Yan XM, Zhu XL. miR-129-3p controls cilia assembly by regulating CP110 and actin dynamics. Nat Cell Biol 2012; 14(7):697-706.
    14. Hu SN, Wu ZL, Yan YC, and Li YP*. Sox31 is involved in central nervous system anteroposterior regionalization through regulating the organizer activity in zebrafish. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2011; 43(5):387–399
    15. Zheng HP, Li SF, Wu ZL, Zhang YB, Hu SN, Yan YC, Li YP*. Diferential response of multiple zebra?sh hepatic F-box protein genes to 17α-ethinylestradiol treatment. J Environ Sci 2011; 23(4):664–670
    16. Li SF, Liu HX, Zhang YB, Yan YC, Li YP*. The protective effects of alpha-ketoacids against oxidative stress on rat spermatozoa in vitro. Asian J Androl 2010; 12(2):247-256.
    17. Sun C, Xu M, Xing Z, Wu Z, Li Y, Li T, Zhao M. Expression and function on embryonic development of lissencephaly-1 genes in zebrafish. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2009; 41(8): 677-688.
    18. Liu H, Wang Z, Li S, Zhang Y, Yan YC, Li YP*. Utilization of an intron located polyadenlyation site resulted in four novel glutamate decarboxylase transcripts. Mol Biol Rep 2009; 36(6):1469-1474.
    19. Lv W, Zhang Y, Wu Z, Chu L, Koide SS, Chen Y, Yan Y, Li YP*. Identification of wsb1 gene as an important regulator in the development of zebrafish embryo during midblastula transition. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2008; 40(6):478-488.
    20. Li S, Zhang Y, Liu H, Yan Y, Li YP*. Identification and expression of gabac receptor in rat testis and spermatozoa. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2008; 40(8):761-767.
    21. Gan XQ, Wang JY, Xi Y, Wu ZL, Li YP, Li L. Nuclear dvl, c-jun, beta-catenin, and tcf form a complex leading to stabilization of beta-catenin-tcf interaction. J Cell Biol 2008; 180 (6):1087-1100.
    22. Ding Y, Xi Y, Chen T, Wang JY, Tao DL, Wu ZL, Li YP, Li C, Zeng R, Li L. Caprin-2 enhances canonical wnt signaling through regulating lrp5/6 phosphorylation. J Cell Biol 2008; 182(5):865-872.
    23. Liu QY, Wu ZL, Lv WJ, Yan YC, Li YP*. Developmental expression of cyclin h and cdk7 in zebrafish: The essential role of cyclin h during early embryo development. Cell Res. 2007; 17(2):163-173.
    24. Li SF, Hu JH, Yan YC, Chen YG, Koide SS, Li YP*. Identification and characterization of a novel splice variant of beta3 subunit of gaba(a) receptor in rat testis and spermatozoa. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2005; 37(2):350-360.
    25. Qiu JJ, Zhang WW, Wu ZL, Wang YH, Qian M, Li YP*. Delay of zga initiation occurred in 2-cell blocked mouse embryos. Cell Res 2003; 13(3):179-185.
    26. He XB, Yan YC, Li YP*, Koide SS. Cloning of rat sp56, the homologue of mouse sperm zp3 receptor-sp56. Cell Res 2003; 13(2):121-129.
    27. He X, Zhang Y, Yan Y, Li YP*, Koide SS. Identification of gababr2 in rat testis and sperm. J Reprod Dev 2003; 49(5):397-402.