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  • 王红艳
  • 研究员,研究组长,博士生导师
  • E-mail: hongyanwang@@sibcb.ac.cn
  • 实验室主页: 
  •   1993-1998 年安徽医科大学临床医学系本科;1998-2001 年安徽医科大学免疫系和中国预防医学科学院病毒所基因工程国家重点实验室联合培养硕士;2001-2006 英国伦敦帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)博士及Research Associate; 2006-2010 英国剑桥大学Research Fellow;2010年3月任生化与细胞所研究员,研究组长;2011年入选上海市浦江人才计划。2014年获国家基金委优秀青年资助。2018年获国家自然基金委杰出青年资助。2015年获中国科学院优秀指导老师称号。

  • 免疫细胞介导的炎症相关疾病
  •   免疫介导的炎症相关疾病主要由于不适当或过度免疫反应造成的慢性和急性炎症反应。其中,免疫系统中的T淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞能分泌各种炎症/细胞因子,广泛参与肿瘤或自身免疫性疾病的发生发展、机体抵御病原微生物感染的过程。(1)巨噬细胞通过Toll-样受体等模式识别受体,感知病原微生物的各种组分,激活NF-kB、IRFs等各种转录因子,释放促炎因子(IL-6,IL-1, TNF-alpha)或抑炎因子(IL-10),或抗病毒的IFNs,调控炎症反应,参与病原微生物感染和炎性癌变等过程。(2)在应对炎症反应或异种抗原时,T淋巴细胞通过表面的众多受体(如T细胞受体,趋化因子受体等),调控T细胞定向迁移到感染或肿瘤等靶部位,增殖分化成具有杀伤功能的细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL),参与清除病原微生物或杀伤肿瘤细胞的过程。

      我们利用基因工程突变小鼠及相应疾病模型,结合病人样品,在分子、细胞水平,主要鉴定:(1)参与T细胞活化、增殖、迁移和杀伤功能的新型信号分子;(2)巨噬细胞调控炎症反应和I型IFN的新型信号分子;(3) 上述信号分子、代谢酶或产物等调控巨噬细胞和T细胞参与抗感染、抗肿瘤或促进损伤修复中的功能和机制。

    左图Immunity, 2014, Cover Story; 中图:Cell Research, 2015, Cover Story;右图:PLoS Pathogens, 2015

    1. J Xiao*, S Wang*, LL Chen*, XY Ding, MS Han, YX Zheng, MC Wang, D Yang, N Li, C Dong, H Shen, SF Wu, M Hu, C Su, WY Li, LJ Hui, YQ Ye#, HR Tang#, B Wei#, HY Wang#. 25-Hydroxycholesterol regulates lysosome AMPK activation and metabolic reprogramming to educate immunosuppressive macrophages, Immunity. 2024 Accept
    2. X Zheng*, Q Jiang*, MS Han, FF Ye, MC Wang, Y Qiu, JL Wang, MX Gao, FJ Hou, and HY Wang#. FBXO38 regulates macrophage polarization to control the development of cancer and colitis, Cell Mol Immunol. 2023 Nov;20(11):1367-1378.
    3. F Zhang*, BK Zhang*, HH Ding , XY Li, XL Wang , XM Zhang , QJ Liu , QY  Feng , MS Han , LL Chen , LL Qi, D Yang , XJ  Li , XG Zhu, Q Zhao, JQ Qiu, ZJ Zhu, HR Tang, N Shen#, HY Wang#, B Wei#. The Oxysterol Receptor EBI2 Links Innate and Adaptive Immunity to Limit IFN Response and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Adv Sci (Weinh). 2023 Sep;10(27):e2207108.
    4. LL Qi*, XJ Li *, F Zhang * , XG  Zhu , Q Zhao, D Yang , SJ Hao , T Li , XY  Li , TK Tian , J Feng , XC Sun, XL Wang, SY Gao, HZ Wang , J Ye, SB Cao, YL He, HY Wang#, B Wei# . VEGFR-3 signaling restrains the neuron-macrophage crosstalk during neurotropic viral infection, Cell Reports. 2023 May 30;42(5):112489.
    5. D Yang, TK Tian, XJ Li, BK Zhang, LL Qi, F Zhang, MS Han, S Wang, J Xiao, YY Gou, RR Zhang, QJ Liu, S Su, JH Liu, XW Huang, Q Gao, LJ Hui, HR Tang, HY Wang#, B Wei#. ZNT1 and Zn2+ control TLR4 and PD-L1 endocytosis in macrophage to improve chemotherapy efficacy against liver tumor, Hepatology. 2023 Oct 9. Online ahead of print.
    6. X Zheng, J Xiao, Q Jiang, LM Zheng, C Liu, C Dong, YX Zheng, PL Ni, C Zhang, F Zhang, RY Zhong, HH Ding, Q Wang, Y Qiu, MX Gao, JP Ding, N Shen, B Wei#, HY Wang#. AKT2 reduces IFNβ1 production to modulate antiviral responses and systemic lupus erythematosus. EMBO J. 2022 Mar 15;41(6): e108016.
    7. L Ma*, WY Li*, YB Zhang*, LL Qi*, Q Zhao, N Li, Y Lu, LQ Zhang, F Zhou, YC Wu, YN He, HX Yu, YL He#, B Wei#, HY Wang#. FLT4/VEGFR3 activates AMPK to coordinate glycometabolic reprogramming with autophagy and inflammasome activation for bacterial elimination. Autophagy. 2022 Jun;18(6):1385-1400.
    8. XJ Li*, LL Qi*, D Yang, SJ Hao, F Zhang, XG Zhu, Y Sun, C Chen, J Ye, J Yang, L Zhao, D M Altmann, SB Cao, HY Wang#, B Wei#. Meningeal lymphatic vessels mediate neurotropic viral drainage from the central nervous system. Nat Neurosci. 2022 May;25(5):577-587.
    9. C Zhang*, WY Li *, XB Lei, ZF Xie, LL Qi, H Wang, X Xiao, J Xiao, YX Zheng, C Dong, X Zheng, SY Chen, JF Chen, B Sun, J Qin, QW Zhai, JS Li, B Wei#, JW Wang#, HY Wang#. Targeting lysophospholipid acid receptor 1 and ROCK kinases promotes antiviral innate immunity. Sci Adv. 2021 Sep 17;7(38): eabb5933.
    10. F Zhang*, LL Qi*, QY Feng, BK Zhang, XY Li, C Liu, WY Li, QJ Liu, D Yang, Y Yin, C Peng, H Wu, ZH Tang, X Zhou, Z Xiang, ZJ Zhang, HY Wang#, B Wei#. HIPK2 phosphorylates HDAC3 for NF-κB acetylation to ameliorate colitis-associated colorectal carcinoma and sepsis. PNAS. 2021 Jul 13;118(28): e2021798118.
    11. ZQ Li*, J Xiao*, XY Xu*, WY Li*, RY Zhong, LL Qi, JH Chen, GZ Cui, S Wang, YX Zheng, Y Qiu, S Li, X Zhou, Y Lu, JY Lyu, B Zhou, JW Zhou, NH Jing, B Wei#, J Hu#, HY Wang#. M-CSF, IL-6 and TGF-β promotes generation of a new subset of tissue repair macrophages for traumatic brain injury recovery. Sci Adv. 2021 Mar 12;7(11): eabb6260.
    12. J Xiao*, WY Li *, X Zheng, LL Qi, H Wang, C Zhang, XP Wan, YX Zheng, RY Zhong, X Zhou, Y Lu, ZQ Li, Y Qiu, C Liu, F Zhang, YB Zhang, XY Xu, ZZ Yang, HL  Chen, QW Zhai, B Wei#, Hongyan Wang #. Targeting 7-Dehydrocholesterol Reductase Integrates Cholesterol Metabolism and IRF3 Activation to Eliminate Infection. Immunity. 2020 Jan 14;52(1):109-122.e6.
    13. C Liu, XY Xu, L Han, XP Wan, LM Zheng, CY Li, J Xiao, RY Zhong, X Zheng, Q Wang, HL Chen, B Wei#, H Wang#. LRCH1 deficiency enhances LAT signalosome formation and CD8+ T cell responses against tumor and pathogens. PNAS 2020;117(32):19388-19398
    14. Q Wang*, X Zhou*, L Yang*, YJ Zhao, ZH Chew, J Xiao, C Liu, X Zheng, YX Zheng, Q Shi,, QQ Liang#, YJ Wang #*, H Wang#. The natural compound Notopterol binds and targets JAK2/3 to ameliorate inflammation and arthritis. Cell Reports 2020;32:108158
    15. Y Lu*, Y Qiu*, P Chen, H Chang, L Guo, F Zhang, L Ma, C Zhang, X Zheng, J Xiao, R Zhong, L Han, X Xu, Y Zhang, D Li, G Zhong, R Boyton, Y Huang, Y He, R Hu#, B Wei#, H Wang# The ER-localised Hrd1 ubiquitinates and inactivates Usp15 to promote TLR4-induced inflammation during bacterial infection. Nature Microbiology, 2019,4:2331-46
    16. X Zhou, WY Li S Wang, P Zhang, Q Wang, J Xiao, C Zhang, X Zheng, X Xu, S Xue, L Hui, H Ji, B Wei#, H Wang#. YAP aggravates inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) via regulating M1/M2 macrophage polarization and gut microbial homeostasis. Cell Reports, 2019, 27;1176-89
    17. T Zhou#, MC Luo*, W Cai, SY Zhou, DY Feng, CD Xu, H. Wang#. Runt-related transcription factor 1 (RUNX1) promotes TGF-β-induced renal tubular epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and renal fibrosis through the PI3K subunit p110δ. EBioMedicine, 2018.31:217-225
    18. Q Wang*, X Zhou*, YJ Zhao, J Xiao, Y Lu, Q Shi, YJ Wang#, H. Wang#, QQ Liang#. Polyphyllin I Ameliorates Collagen-Induced Arthritis by Suppressing the Inflammation Response in Macrophages Through the NF-kB Pathway. Frontiers in Immunology, 2018.9: article 2091.
    19. XY Xu*, L Han*, G. Zhao, SJ Xue, Y Gao, J Xiao, ZY Wu, JP Ding, B Wei, RG Hu, H Wang. LRCH1 interferes with DOCK8-Cdc42 module-induced T cell migration and ameliorates multiple sclerosis. J Exp Med, 2017; 214(1):209-226.
    20. SJ Xue*, C Liu*, XJ Sun, WY Li, C Zhang, X Zhou, Y Lu, J Xiao, CY Li, XY Xu, B Sun, GL Xu, H Wang. TET3 inhibits IFN-I production independent of DNA demethylation. Cell Reports, 2016;16:1-10
    21. Luo MC*, Zhou SY*, Feng DY, Xiao J, Li WY, Xu CD, Wang HY#, Zhou T#. Runt-related Transcription Factor 1 (RUNX1) Binds to p50 in Macrophages and Enhances TLR4-triggered Inflammation and Septic Shock. J Biol Chem. 2016;291 (42), 22011-22020.
    22. WY Li*, J Xiao*, X Zhou, M Xu, C Hu, X Xu, Y Lu, CLiu, S Xue, LNie, H Zhang, ZLi, Y Zhang, F Ji, L Hui, W Tao, B Wei# and H Wang#, STK4 regulates TLR pathways and protects against chronic inflammation–related hepatocellular carcinoma. J Clin Invest, 2015; 125(11):4239-54
    23. Li C*, Jiao S*, Wang G, Gao Y, He X, Liu C, Zhang G, Wei B, Chen H#, Wang H#. The immune adaptor ADAP regulates reciprocal TGF-b1-integrin crosstalk to protect from H5N1 influenza virus infection. PLoS Pathogens, 2015, 11(4):e1004824
    24. Fu X*, Xiao J*, Wei Y, Guo H, Li S, Liu Y, Yin J, Li D, Wang H#, Hu P#. Combination of four pro-inflammatory cytokines promotes long term muscle stem cell expansion in vitro. Cell Research, 2015, 25:655-73 (Cover Story)
    25. Zhang Y*, Lu Y*, Ma L, Jiao S, Chen J, Gao Y, Liu C, Duan Z, Li D, He Y, Wei B#, Wang H# Activation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-3 in macrophages restrains TLR-NF-kB signaling and protects from endotoxin shock. Immunity, 2014, 40: 501-514 (Cover Story)
    26. Huang Y*, Jiao S*, Tao X, Tang Q#, Jiao W, Xiao J, Xu X, Zhang Y, Liang G, Wang H # Met-CCL5 represents an immunotherapy strategy to ameliorate rabies virus infection. J Neuroinflammation 2014,11:146;
    27. Wei B*, Han L*, Abbink T, Elisabetta G, Lim D, Thaker YR, Gao W, Zhai R, Wang J, Lever A, Jolly C, Wang H# and Rudd CE#. Immune adaptor ADAP in T cells regulates HIV-1 transcription and cell-cell viral spread via different co-receptors. Retrovirology, 2013:10:101
    28. Zhang Y and Wang H#. Integrin signaling and function in immune cells. Immunology, 2012;4(135):267-75
    29. Wang H#, Lim D and Rudd CE. Integrin signaling and immunopathology Semin Immunopathol 2010;32(2):173-82
    30. Wang H, Wei B, Bismuth G, Rudd CE. SLP-76-ADAP adaptor module regulates LFA-1 mediated costimulation and T cell motility. PNAS 2009; 106(30):12436-41.
    31. Wang H and Rudd CE. SKAP-55, SKAP-55Related and ADAP adaptors modulate integrin-mediated immune cell adhesion. Trends Cell Biol 2008; 18(10):486-93.
    32. Wang H, Liu H, Lu Y, Lovatt M, Wei B, Rudd CE. Functional defects of SKAP-55 deficient T-cells identify a regulatory role for the adaptor in LFA-1 adhesion. Mol Cell Biol. 2007;27(19):6863-75
    33. Wang H, McCane F, Gordan J, Wu X, Raab M, Malik T, Davis D, Rudd CE. ADAP-SLP-76 binding differently regulates the supramolecular activation complex (SMAC) formation vs. conjugate formation. J. Exp. Med. 2004;200:1063-1074
    34. Wang H*, Moon EY*, Azouz A, Wu X, Smith A, Schneider H, Hogg N, Rudd CE. SKAP-55 regulates integrin adhesion and formation of T cell-APC conjugates. Nat Immunol. 2003;4(4):366-74.
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