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  • 范卫国
  • 研究员,研究组长,博士生导师
  • E-mail: weiguofan@sibcb.ac.cn
  • 实验室主页: 
  • 2011年毕业于南京农业大学,获学士学位; 2018年于中国科学院上海巴斯德研究所(现上海免疫与感染研究所)获博士学位;2019年至2024年在斯坦福大学医学院从事博士后研究;于2024年9月起任中科院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心(生物化学与细胞生物学研究所)研究员,研究组长,博士生导师。

  • 细胞外基质与肝脏疾病
  • 肝脏是人体重要的代谢和免疫器官,而病毒、酒精和代谢导致的慢性肝病影响着超过4.47亿的中国居民。细胞外基质(extracellular matrix, ECM) 的改变是慢性肝病诱发的肝纤维化、肝硬化和肝癌等多种肝脏疾病的重要表现。细胞外基质是由细胞分泌并在组织中围绕在其周围,多种生物活性分子组成的,动态变化的组织支架。细胞外基质生化成分和机械力学的动态变化对于确定其周围细胞的作用和命运至关重要。


    1. 探索不同肝脏疾病中细胞外基质的动态变化及其对疾病进展的影响,为肝脏疾病诊断和治疗提供新的策略。

    2. 开发不同机械力学特性和成分的3D水凝胶体外培养模型,用于探索肝脏疾病中多种细胞间的交互作用,为肝脏疾病寻找新的药物靶点。

    1. Fan, W., K. Adebowale, Y. Li, M.Rabbi, L. Vancza, D. Chen, K. Kunimoto, G.Mozes, Y.Li, J. Tao, S.P. Monga, G. Charville, R. Wells, R. Dhanasekaran, T. Kim, O. Chaudhur, Natalie Török#, (2024). "Extracellular Matrix Viscoelasticity Drives Liver Cancer Progression in Pre-Cirrhotic NASH." NATURE, 626, 635–642 (2024).
    2. Fan, W#., Y. Li, K. Kunimoto and N. J. Török (2022). "3D Imaging of the Liver Extracellular Matrix in a Mouse Model of Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis." JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)(180): e63106.
    3. Li, Y., N. T. Adeniji, W. Fan, K. Kunimoto and N. J. Török (2022). "Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and liver fibrosis during aging." Aging and Disease 13(4): 1239.
    4. Li, Y., W. Fan, F. Link, S. Wang and S. Dooley (2022). "Transforming growth factor β latency: A mechanism of cytokine storage and signalling regulation in liver homeostasis and disease." JHEP Reports 4(2): 100397.
    5. Fan, W. and N. J. Torok (2021). "Editorial: Noninvasive Fibrosis Biomarkers in Patients With NASH With Diabetes." Hepatology Communications 5(4): 553.
    6. Dehnad, A., W. Fan, J. X. Jiang, S. R. Fish, Y. Li, S. Das, G. Mozes, K. A. Wong, K. A. Olson, G. W. Charville, M. Ali and N. J. Torok (2020). "AGER1 downregulation associates with fibrosis in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and type 2 diabetes." J Clin Invest 130(8): 4320-4330.
    7. Jiang, J. X., S. R. Fish, A. Tomilov, Y. Li, W. Fan, A. Dehnad, D. Gae, S. Das, G. Mozes, G. W. Charville, J. Ramsey, G. Cortopassi and N. J. Torok (2020). "Nonphagocytic Activation of NOX2 Is Implicated in Progressive Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis During Aging." Hepatology 72(4): 1204-1218.
    8. Fan, W*., T. Liu*, W. Chen*, S. Hammad, T. Longerich, I. Hausser, Y. Fu, N. Li, Y. He, C. Liu, Y. Zhang, Q. Lian, X. Zhao, C. Yan, L. Li, C. Yi, Z. Ling, L. Ma, X. Zhao, H. Xu, P. Wang, M. Cong, H. You, Z. Liu, Y. Wang, J. Chen, D. Li, L. Hui, S. Dooley, J. Hou, J. Jia and B. Sun (2019). "ECM1 Prevents Activation of Transforming Growth Factor beta, Hepatic Stellate Cells, and Fibrogenesis in Mice." Gastroenterology (Cover Story)157(5): 1352-1367 e1313.
    9. Fan, W*., S. Xie*, X. Zhao*, N. Li, C. Chang, L. Li, G. Yu, X. Chi, Y. Pan, J. Niu, J. Zhong and B. Sun (2016). "IFN-lambda4 desensitizes the response to IFN-alpha treatment in chronic hepatitis C through long-term induction of USP18." J Gen Virol 97(9): 2210-2220.
    10. Li, Y., J. X. Jiang, W. Fan, S. R. Fish, S. Das, P. Gupta, G. Mozes, L. Vancza, S. Sarkar, K. Kunimoto, D. Chen, H. Park, D. Clemens, A. Tomilov, G. Cortopassi and N. J. Torok (2023). "Shc Is Implicated in Calreticulin-Mediated Sterile Inflammation in Alcoholic Hepatitis." Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol 15(1): 197-211.
    11. Chen, W., S. Chen, C. Yan, Y. Zhang, R. Zhang, M. Chen, S. Zhong, W. Fan, S. Zhu, D. Zhang, X. Lu, J. Zhang, Y. Huang, L. Zhu, X. Li, D. Lv, Y. Fu, H. Iv, Z. Ling, L. Ma, H. Jiang, G. Long, J. Zhu, D. Wu, B. Wu and B. Sun (2022). "Allergen protease-activated stress granule assembly and gasdermin D fragmentation control interleukin-33 secretion." Nature Immunol 23(7): 1021-1030.
    12. Zhang, Y., X. Li, Z. Luo, L. Ma, S. Zhu, Z. Wang, J. Wen, S. Cheng, W. Gu, Q. Lian, X. Zhao, W. Fan, Z. Ling, J. Ye, S. Zheng, D. Li, H. Wang, J. Liu and B. Sun (2020). "ECM1 is an essential factor for the determination of M1 macrophage polarization in IBD in response to LPS stimulation." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 117(6): 3083-3092.
    13. He, L., W. Gu, M. Wang, X. Chang, X. Sun, Y. Zhang, X. Lin, C. Yan, W. Fan, P. Su, Y. Wang, C. Yi, G. Lin, L. Li, Y. Jiang, J. Lu, C. Dong, H. Wang and B. Sun (2018). "Extracellular matrix protein 1 promotes follicular helper T cell differentiation and antibody production." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115(34): 8621-8626.