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  • 童明汉
  • 研究员,研究组长,博士生导师
  • E-mail: minghan@@sibcb.ac.cn
  • 实验室主页: 
  •   2000年毕业于上海第二医科大学,获博士学位。2001年2月至2004年1月在美国University of Pennsylvania从事博士后研究;2004年2月起在美国Northwestern University从事博士后研究,于2005年1月起任助理教授(研究型);2009年至2013年受聘于美国Washington State University,先后为助理教授(研究型)和副教授(研究型)。现任中国科学院上海生命科学院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所研究员、研究组长。

  • 减数分裂启动
  •   减数分裂的诞生是生命进化史上的标志性事件,意味着生命有了新的繁衍方式——有性生殖。因此,减数分裂是生物有性生殖的根本基础,也是保证物种繁衍、染色体数目稳定和物种适应环境变化而不断进化的基本前提。所以,减数分裂的调控机制是探索生命奥秘的关键科学问题。



      1. 减数分裂启动和发展的调控机制:绘制哺乳动物减数分裂启动和发展过程中RNA(mRNA和非编码RNA)和蛋白质动态变化和其修饰图谱及其调控的酶系图谱,揭示这种动态变化及其修饰发生的分子基础。

      2. 减数分裂启动和发展的表观遗传调控机制:以 RNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰和染色质重塑为重点,阐明哺乳动物减数分裂启动和发展过程中的表观遗传变化及其机制。

      3. 微环境对减数分裂启动和发展的作用及其机制

      4. 减数分裂体外重建技术: 建立包括人精原干细胞在内的精原细胞培养、体外分化及减数分裂的技术平台,实现在培养皿中培养获取单倍体精子细胞。

    1. Xinzhe Tang#, Zetao Hu#, Jian Ding, Meixia Wu, Pin Guan, Yawei Song, Yue Yin, Wei Wu, Jinbiao Ma, Ying Huang*, Ming-Han Tong*. In vitro reconstitution of meiotic DNA double-strand-break formation. Nature (2025). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08551-1
    2. Zhen Lin#, Bowen Rong#, Meixia Wu, Junyi Yan, Tong Hong, Linjun Hou, Xinzhe Tang, Qiang Liu, Xiaozhong Peng, Yao Chen*, Fei Lan*, Ming-Han Tong*. The KMT2 complex protein ASH2L is required for meiotic prophase progression but dispensable for mitosis in differentiated spermatogonia. Development (2025). https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.204630
    3. Zhen Lin#, Bowen Rong#, Ruitu Lyu#*, Yuxuan Zheng, Yao Chen, JunyiYan, Meixia Wu, Xiaogang Gao, Fuchou Tang*, Fei Lan*, and Ming-Han Tong*. SETD1B-mediated broad H3K4me3 controls proper temporal patterns of gene expression critical for spermatid development. Cell Research (2025) 0:1–17; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41422-025-01080-0
    4. Yuefang Liu, Zhen Lin, Junyi Yan, Xi Zhang, Ming-Han Tong*. A Rad50-null mutation in mouse germ cells causes reduced DSB formation, abnormal DSB end resection and complete loss of germ cells. Development. 2024 Apr 15;151(8):dev202312. doi: 10.1242/dev.202312
    5. Kejia Zhang, Tianxin Zhang, Yujie Zhang, Jinyu Yuan, Xinzhe Tang, Chaobao Zhang, Qianqian Yin, Yonglian Zhang, Ming-Han Tong*. DNA/RNA helicase DHX36 is required for late stages of spermatogenesis. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. doi: 10.1093/jmcb/mjac069. (2022), 14(11), mjac069
    6. Ying-Hua Wang#, Meng Yan#, Xi Zhang#, Xin-Yu Liu, Yi-Fu Ding, Chong-Ping Lai, Ming-Han Tong*, Jin-Song Li*. Rescue of male infertility through correcting a genetic mutation causing meiotic arrest in spermatogonial stem cells. Asian Journal of Andrology. (2021) 23, 590–599
    7. Yao Chen, Ruitu Lyu, Bowen Rong, Yuxuan Zheng, Zhen Lin, Ruofei Dai, Xi Zhang, Nannan Xie, Siqing Wang, Fuchou Tang*, Fei Lan* and Ming-Han Tong*. 2020 Refined spatial temporal epigenomic profiling reveals intrinsic connection between PRDM9-mediated H3K4me3 and the fate of double-stranded breaks. Cell Research. 30(3) , 256-268 . *Corresponding author
    8. Yu Jiang, Hui-Ying Zhang, Zhen Lin, Ye-Zhang Zhu, Chao Yu, Qian-Qian Sha, Ming-Han Tong*, Li Shen*, and Heng-Yu Fan*. 2020 CXXC finger protein 1-mediated histone H3 lysine-4 trimethylationis essential for proper meiotic crossover formation in mice. Development. 147, doi:10.1242/dev. 183764 . *Corresponding author
    9. Zhen Lin, Ming-Han Tong*. 2019 m6A mRNA modification regulates mammalian spermatogenesis, BBA - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms. 1862(3), 403-411. *Corresponding author
    10. Yao Chen, YuxuanZheng, Yun Gao, Zhen Lin, Suming Yang, Tongtong Wang, Qiu Wang, NannanXie, RongHua, Mingxi Liu, JiahaoSha, Michael D. Griswold, Jinsong Li*, Fuchou Tang* and Ming-Han Tong*. 2018 Single-cell RNA-seq uncovers dynamic processes and critical regulators in mouse spermatogenesis. Cell Research. 28, 879-896. (Cover Story, Comments on Cell Research by NavinB. Ramakrishna and AzimSurani; F1000 prime recommendation; Highlighted by NSR, 2018 Sanofi-Cell Research Outstanding Paper Award). *Corresponding author
    11. Xiaoli Zuo, Bowen Rong, Li Li, Ruitu Lv, Fei Lan*, and Ming-Han Tong* 2018 The histone methyltransferase SETD2 is required for expression of acrosin-binding protein 1 and protamines and essential for spermiogenesis in mice. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 293(24) 9188-9197 PMID: 29716999 *Corresponding author
    12. Tongtong Wang, Qianqian Yin, Xuehao Ma, Ming-Han Tong*, Yuchuan Zhou* 2018 Ccdc87 is critical for sperm function and male fertility. Biol Reprod. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 29733332 *Corresponding author
    13. Zhen Lin,Phillip J Hsu,Xudong Xing,Jianhuo Fang,Zhike Lu,Qin Zou,Ke-Jia Zhang,Xiao Zhang,Yuchuan Zhou,Teng Zhang,Youcheng Zhang,Wanlu Song,Guifang Jia, Xuerui Yang*,Chuan He*,Ming-Han Tong* 2017 Mettl3-/Mettl14-mediated mRNA N6-methyladenosine modulates murine spermatogenesis.Cell Research. 27(10): 1216-1230 PMID: 28914256 *Corresponding author. (Highlighted by NSR)
    14. Yao Chen,Li Ma,Cathryn Hogarth,Gang Wei,Michael D. Griswold*Ming-Han Tong* 2016 Retinoid signaling controls spermatogonial differentiation by regulating expression of replication-dependent core histone genes. Development. 143(9): 1502-1511 PMID: 26965368 *Corresponding author. (Highlighted article)
    15. Tong, Ming-han* Li, Jinsong* 2015 Similarity of epigenetic reprogramming in primordial germ cells between human and mouse. National Science Review.12, 2(4): 384 *Corresponding author
    16. Ming-Han Tong*, Qi-En Yang, Jeffrey C. Davis, and Michael D. Griswold* 2013   Retinol dehydrogenase 10 is indispensible for spermatogenesis in juvenile males. ProcNatlAcadSci U S A. 110(2): 543-8 PMID: 23267101    * Corresponding author
    17. Ming-Han Tong*, Debra Mitchell, Samantha McGowan and Michael D.Griswold* 2012 Two miRNAs Clusters, Mir-17-92 and Mir-106b-25, Are Involved in the Regulation of Spermatogonial Differentiation. Biol Reprod. 86(3): 72 1-10 PMID: 22116806 * Corresponding author
    18. Ming-Han Tong, Debra Mitchell, Ryan Evanoff and Michael D.Griswold 2011 Expression of Mirlet7 Family MicroRNAs in Response to Retinoic Acid-Induced Spermatogonial Differentiation in Mice. Biol Reprod. 85 (1): 189-97 PMID: 21430230
    19. Tong MH, Jiang H, Liu P, Lawson JA, Brass LF, Song WC. 2005 Spontaneous fetal loss caused by placental thrombosis in estrogen sulfotransferase-deficient mice. Nat Med. 11(2): 153-9 PMID: 15685171