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  • 朱学良
  • 研究员,研究组长,博士生导师
  • E-mail: xlzhu@@sibcb.ac.cn
  • 实验室主页: 
  •   1985年毕业于中国科技大学生物系,1988年在该校获硕士学位并留校任教。1990年底赴美,以联合培养方式先后在加州大学圣地亚哥分校和德州大学圣安东尼奥健康科学中心完成博士论文,1994年底回到中国科大,1995年在中科院上海细胞所获博士学位。同年成为中科院上海生命科学研究中心的博士后并任课题组长。1997年被聘为研究组长,副研究员,1999年晋升研究员,博士生导师,同年转入中科院上海生命科学研究院生化与细胞所。

      2001年获国家“杰出青年基金”支持,国家基金委“创新研究群体”学术带头人、科技部“重大研究计划”首席科学家。历任所长助理、副所长、所学术委员会主任、所学位委员会主席、中科院分子细胞生物学重点实验室主任、中国细胞生物学会副理事长等职。现任Mol Biol Cell和《细胞生物学杂志》副主编、Cell Res编委、Faculty of 1000的Faculty成员、中国细胞生物学会监事等。

      作为(共同)通讯作者在Cell、Nat Cell Biol、Dev Cell、EMBO J、J Cell Biol、 Cell Rep、 EMBO Rep等杂志发表多篇研究论文。获上海市“自然科学牡丹奖”、上海市自然科学奖“一等奖”、“上海领军人才”、第六届“谈家桢生命科学创新奖”、中国细胞生物学学会-CST“杰出成就奖”、全国优秀科技工作者,并多次获得中科院“优秀教师”、“优秀研究生指导教师”等荣誉。

  • 细胞周期与运动
  •        细胞周期与细胞运动都是生命最基本的活动。细胞周期的目的即是通过细胞分裂完成遗传物质的均等分离和细胞质的分割,实现细胞的增殖。而细胞分裂、迁移、纤毛运动、胞内运输等细胞运动形式以其重要、复杂、动态和完美展现出强烈的吸引力。我们利用分子生物学、细胞生物学和发育生物学的多种技术和手段,以及细胞、斑马鱼、小鼠等系统深入探讨细胞运动的结构基础、分子调节机理,及其与干细胞维持、分化和疾病的关系。其中涉及细胞骨架、分子马达、中心粒、动粒和纤毛等细胞结构和组分,以及物质运输、信号转导、基因表达、蛋白质修饰和相互作用等过程。这些丰富的研究内容既充满挑战又富于情趣,希望每位钟爱生命科学研究的学子都可从中找到属于自己的乐土。

    1. Pan X#, Fang C#, Shen C#, Li X, Xie L, Li L, Huang S, Yan X*, & Zhu X*(2024). Directional ciliary beats across epithelia require Ccdc57-mediated coupling between axonemal orientation and basal body polarity. Nat Commun 15(1):10249
    2. Chen Q#,  Zhao H#,  Pan X,  Fang C,  Qiu B,  Guo J,  Yan X*,  Zhu X* (2024).A polarized multicomponent foundation upholds ciliary central microtubules, J Mol Cell Biol: mjae031.doi: 10.1093/jmcb/mjae031.
    3. Fang C#, Pan X#, Li D#, Chen W, Huang Y, Chen Y, Li L, Gao Q, Liang X, Li D, Zhu X*, Yan X*(2024). Distinct roles of Kif6 and Kif9 in mammalian ciliary trafficking and motility, J Cell Biol 223(11):e202312060.
    4. Qin Z#, Yue M#, Tang S#, Wu F#, Sun H#, Li Y, Zhang Y, Izumi H, Huang H, Wang W, Xue Y, Tong X, Mori S, Taki T, Goto K, Jin Y, Li F, Li F, Gao Y, Fang Z, Fang Y, Hu L, Yan X, Xu G, Chen H, Kobayashi S, Ventura A, Wong K, Zhu X*,Chen L*, Ren S*, Chen L*,Ji H*(2024). EML4-ALK fusions drive lung adeno-to-squamous transition through JAK-STAT activation. J Exp Med 221(3):e20232028.
    5. Meng X #, Xu C#, Li J#, Qiu B#, Luo J#, Hong Q, Tong Y, Fang C, Feng Y, Ma R, Shi X, Lin C, Pan C, Zhu X*, Yan X*, Cong Y*(2024). Multi-scale structures of the mammalian radial spoke and divergence of axonemal complexes in ependymal cilia. Nat Commun 15(1):362.
    6. Xiao Y#, Chen J#, Yang S, Sun H, Xie L, Li J, Jing N*, and Zhu X*(2022). Maternal mRNA deadenylation and allocation via Rbm14 condensates facilitates vertebrate blastula development. EMBO J e111364. doi: 10.15252/embj.2022111364.
    7. Ren J#, Li D#, Liu J#, Liu H, Yan X, Zhu X*, Feng W*(2022). Intertwined Wdr47-NTD dimer recognizes a basic-helical motif in Camsap proteins for proper central-pair microtubule formation. Cell Rep 41(6):111589.
    8. Qiao C#, Li D#, Liu Y#, Zhang S#, Liu K, Liu C, Guo Y, Jiang T, Fang C, Li N, Zeng Y, He Zhu X,  Lippincott-Schwartz J,  Dai Q*,  Li D*(2022). Rationalized deep learning super-resolution microscopy for sustained live imaging of rapid subcellular processes. Nat Biotechnol doi: 10.1038/s41587-022-01471-3.
    9. Hao K, Zhu X*, Yan X*(2022). Purification and immunostaining of mouse ependymal ciliary shafts. Bio Protoc 12(14):e4467.
    10. Yang S#, Liu C#, Guo Y, Li G, Li D, Yan X, and Zhu X*(2022). Self-construction of actin networks through phase separation-induced abLIM1 condensates. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 119 (29) e2122420119.
    11. Hao K, Chen Y, Yan X*, and Zhu X*(2021). Cilia locally synthesize proteins to sustain their ultrastructure and functions. Nat Commun 12(1):6971. Featured article
    12. Liu H#, Zheng J#, Zhu L#, Xie L, Chen Y, Zhang Y, Zhang W, Zhou J, Zhu X* and Yan X*(2021). Wdr47, Camsaps, and Katanin cooperate to generate ciliary central microtubules. Nat Commun 12(1):5796.
    13. Zhang Y, Chen Z, Wang F, Sun H, Zhu X*, Ding J*, and Zhang T*(2021). Nde1 is a Rab9 effector for loading late endosomes to cytoplasmic dynein motor complex. Structure S0969-2126(21)00412-3. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2021.10.013.
    14. Qin Z#, Sun H#, Yue M, Pan X, Chen L, Feng X, Yan X*, Zhu X* and Ji H*(2021). Phase separation of EML4-ALK in firing downstream signaling and promoting lung tumorigenesis. Cell Discov 7(1):33.
    15. Zhao H, Chen Q#, Li F, Cui L, Xie L, Huang Q, Liang X, Zhou J, Yan X*, Zhu X*(2021).Fibrogranular materials function as organizers to ensure the fidelity of multiciliary assembly. Nat Commun 12(1):1273.
    16. Zheng W, Li F#, Ding Z, Liu H, Zhu L, Xu C, Li J, Gao Q, Wang Y, Fu Z, Peng C, Yan X*, Zhu X*, Cong Y*(2021).Distinct architecture and composition of mouse axonemal radial spoke head revealed by cryo-EM. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 118 (4) e2021180118.
    17. Duan S, Li H#, Zhang Y#, Yang S, Chen Y, Qiu B, Huang C, Wang J, Li J, Zhu X*, and Yan X*(2020). Rabl2 GTP hydrolysis licenses BBSome-mediated export to fine-tune ciliary signaling. EMBO J e105499. Cover Story
    18. Li Y, Guo F, Jing Q, Zhu X*, Yan X*(2020). Characterization of centriole biogenesis during multiciliation in planarians. Biol Cell doi: 10.1111/boc.202000045.
    19. Zhao H, Yang S#, Chen Q, Duan X, Li G, Huang Q, Zhu X*, Yan X*(2020). Cep57 and Cep57l1 function redundantly to recruit the Cep63-Cep152 complex for centriole biogenesis. J Cell Sci 133(13):jcs241836.
    20. Chen Y, Zheng J, Li X., Zhu L, Shao Z, Yan X*, and Zhu X*(2020). Wdr47 controls neuronal polarization through the Camsap family microtubule minus-end-binding proteins. Cell Rep. Doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107526.
    21. Xiao Y, Chen J, Wan Y, Gao Q, Jing N, Zheng Y and Zhu X* (2019). Regulation of zebrafish dorsoventral patterning by phase separation of RNA-binding protein Rbm14. Cell Discov 5:37.
    22. Zhao H, Chen Q, Fang C, Huang Q, Zhou J, Yan X* and Zhu X* (2019). Parental centrioles are dispensable for deuterosome formation and function during basal body amplification. EMBO Reports 20(4). pii: e46735.
    23. Zheng J, Liu H, Zhu L, Chen Y, Zhao H, Zhang W, Li F, Xie L, Yan X* and Zhu X*(2019). Microtubule-bundling protein Spef1 enables mammalian ciliary central apparatus formation. J Mol Cell Biol 11(1):67-77.
    24. Zhang Y,  Chen Y, Zheng J, Wang J,  Duan S, Zhang W, Yan X* and Zhu X* (2019). Vertebrate Dynein-f depends on Wdr78 for axonemal localization and is essential for ciliary beat. J Mol Cell Biol 11(5):383-394.
    25. Li G, Huang S, Yang S, Wang J, Cao J, Czajkowsky D, Shao Z, and Zhu X* (2018). abLIM1 constructs non-erythroid cortical actin networks to prevent mechanical tension-induced blebbing. Cell Discov 4:42. 
    26. Zhu L, Liu H, Chen Y, Yan X*, and Zhu X* (2018). Rsph9 is critical for ciliary radial spoke assembly and central pair microtubule stability. Biol Cell 111(2): 29-38. 
    27. Yu F, Guo S, Li T, Ran J, Zhao W, Li D, Liu M, Yan X, Yang X, Zhu X, and Zhou J* (2018). Ciliary defects caused by dysregulation of O-GlcNAc modification are associated with diabetic complications. Cell Res 29(2):171-173.
    28. Huang Y, Li T#, Ems?McClung S, Walczak C, Prigent C, Zhu X, Zhang X, and Zheng Y* (2018).Aurora A activation in mitosis promoted by BuGZ. J Cell Biol 217(1):107-116.
    29. Yan X, Zhao H and Zhu X*(2016). Production of Basal Bodies in bulk for dense multicilia formation. F1000 Research 5(F1000 Faculty Rev):1533 (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.8469.1). Review
    30. Yan X and Zhu X* (2016).PP2A in meiotic oocytes. Cell Cycle 15(15):1950-1951. Review
    31. Zeng L, Cai C, Li S, Wang W, Li Y, Chen J, Zhu X*, Zeng YA* (2016). Essential Roles of Cyclin Y-Like 1 and Cyclin Y in Dividing Wnt-Responsive Mammary Stem/Progenitor Cells. PLoS Genet. 12(5): e1006055.
    32. Jiang H, He X, Feng D, Zhu X*, Zheng Y*(2015). RanGTP aids anaphase entry through Ubr5-mediated protein turnover. J Cell Biol. 211(1):7-18.
    33. Jiang H, Wang S, Huang Y, He X, Cui Hong, Zhu X*, and Zheng Y* (2015). Phase transitions of spindle-associated protein regulate spindle apparatus assembly Cell. 163(1):108-22.
    34. Wan Y, Zheng X, Chen H, Guo Y, Jiang H, He X, Zhu X*, and Zheng Y*(2015). Splicing function of mitotic regulators links R-loop–mediated DNA damage to tumor cell killing. J Cell Biol. 209(2), 235-46.
    35. Xu Y, Cao L, Huang S, Feng D, Zhang W, Zhu X* and Yan X* (2015). Characterization of tetratricopeptide repeat-containing proteins critical for cilia formation and function. PLoS ONE. 10(4):e0124378.
    36. Jiang H, He X, Wang S, Jia J, Wan Y, Wang Y, Zeng R, Yates III J, Zhu X*, and Zheng Y* (2014). A microtubule-associated zinc finger protein, BuGZ, regulates mitotic chromosome alignment by ensuring Bub3 stability and kinetochore targeting. Dev Cell. 28(3):268-281.
    37. Zhao H, Zhu L, Zhu Y, Cao J, Li S, Huang Q, Xu T, Huang X, Yan X* and Zhu X*(2013). The Cep63 paralogue Deup1 enables massive de novo centriole biogenesis for vertebrate multiciliogenesis. Nat Cell Biol. 15(12):1434-44.
    38. Zeng L, Wan Y, Li D, Wu J, Shao M, Chen J, Hui L, Ji H,and Zhu X* (2013). The m subunit of murine translation initiation factor eIF3 maintains the integrity of the eIF3 complex and is required for embryonic development, homeostasis, and organ size control. J Biol Chem. 288(42):30087-93.
    39. Zhou Y, Li S, Huang Q, Xie L, Zhu X* (2013). Nanog suppresses cell migration by downregulating thymosin beta 4 and Rnd3. J Mol Cell Biol. 5(4):239-49.
    40. Yan X and Zhu X* (2013). Branched F-actin as a negative regulator of cilia formation. Exp Cell Res. 319(2):147-151
    41. Cao J, Shen Y, Zhu L, Xu Y, Zhou Y, Wu Z, Li Y, Yan X* and Zhu X* (2012). miR-129-3p controls cilia assembly by regulating CP110 and actin dynamics. Nat Cell Biol. 14:697-706.
    42. Wan Y, Yang Z, Guo J, Zhang Q, Zeng L, Song W, Xiao Y, and Zhu X* (2012). Misfolded G beta is recruited to cytoplasmic dynein by Nudel for efficient clearance. Cell Res. 22: 1140-1154
    43. Wu S, Ma L, Wu Y, Zeng R, and Zhu X* (2012). Nudel is crucial for the WAVE complex assembly in vivo by selectively promoting subcomplex stability and formation through direct interactions. Cell Res. 22:1270-1284
    44. Zhao H, Zhu L, Jin Y, Ji H, Yan X* and Zhu X* (2012). miR-375 is highly expressed and possibly transactivated by ASCL1 in small cell lung cancer cells. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 44(2):177-82.
    45. Du J, Li Y, Zhu X* (2010). Involvement of CENP-F in histone methylation. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 42(3):173-6.
    46. Du J, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Li Y, and Zhu X* (2010). Involvement of Cenp-F in interphase chromatin organization possibly through association with DNA-dependent protein kinase. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 42: 839–846.
    47. Yan X, Shen Y, Zhu X* (2010). Live Show of Rho GTPases in Cell Migration. J Mol Cell Biol. 2: 68–69.
    48. Zhu X* (2010). Seeing the Yin and Yang in Cell Biology. Mol Biol Cell. 21: 3827–3828.
    49. Ding C, Liang X, Ma L, Yuan X and Zhu X*. (2009) Opposing effects of Ndel1 and alpha1 or alpha 2 on cytoplasmic dynein through competitive binding to Lis1. J Cell Sci. 122, 2820-2827.
    50. Zhang Q, Wang F, Cao J, Shen Y, Huang Q, Bao L and Zhu X*. (2009) Nudel promotes axonal lysosome clearance and endo-lysosome formation via dynein-mediated transport. Traffic. 10:1337-1349.
    51. Shan Y, Yu L, Li Y, Pan Y, Zhang Q, Wang F, Chen J, and Zhu X* (2009). Nudel and FAK as antagonizing strength modulators of nascent adhesions through Paxillin. PLoS Biol. 7(5): e1000116.
    52. Ma L, Tsai M-Y, Wang S, Lu B, Chen R, Yates III JR, Zhu X*, and Zheng Y* (2009). Requirement for Nudel and dynein for assembly of the lamin B spindle matrix. Nat Cell Biol. 11: 247-256.
    53. Shen Y, Li N, Wu S, Zhou Y, Shan Y, Zhang Q, Ding C, Yuan Q, Zhao F, Zeng R, Zhu X*. (2008) Nudel binds Cdc42GAP to modulate Cdc42 activity at the leading edge of migrating cells. Dev Cell. 14, 342-353.
    54. Wang F, Zhang Q, Cao J, Huang Q, Zhu X*. (2008) The microtubule plus end-binding protein EB1 is involved in Sertoli cell plasticity in testicular seminiferous tubules. Exp Cell Res. 314, 213-226.
    55. Li Y, Yu W, Liang Y, Zhu X*. (2007) Kinetochore dynein generates a poleward pulling force to facilitate congression and full chromosome alignment. Cell Res. 17, 701-712.
    56. Liang Y, Yu W, Li Y, Yu L, Zhang Q, Wang F, Yang Z, Du J, Huang Q, Yao X, and Zhu X*. (2007) Nudel modulates kinetochore association and function of cytoplasmic dynein in M phase. Mol Biol Cell. 18, 2656-2666.
    57. Guo J, Yang Z, Song W, Chen Q, Wang F, Zhang Q, and Zhu X*. (2006) Nudel contributes to MT anchoring at the mother centriole and is involved in both dynein-dependent and independent centrosomal protein assembly. Mol Biol Cell. 17:680-9.
    58. Yang Z, Guo J, Chen Q, Du J, Ding C, and Zhu X*. (2005) Silencing mitosin induces misaligned chromosomes, premature chromosome decondensation before anaphase onset, and mitotic cell death. Mol Cell Biol. 25, 4062-74.
    59. Zhou X, Wang R, Fan L, Li Y, Ma L, Yang Z, Yu W, Jing N, and Zhu X*. (2005) Mitosin/CENP-F as a negative regulator of activating transcription factor-4. J Biol Chem . 280, 13973-7.
    60. Liang Y, Yu W, Li Y, Yang Z, Yan X, Huang Q, and Zhu X*. (2004) Nudel functions in membrane traffic mainly through association with Lis1 and cytoplasmic dynein. J Cell Biol. 164, 557-566.
    61. Yang Z, Guo J, Li N, Qian M, Wang S, Zhu X*. (2003) Mitosin/CENP-F is a conserved kinetochore protein subjected to cytoplasmic dynein-mediated poleward transport. Cell Res. 13, 275-283.
    62. Fan L, Yu W, Zhu X*. (2003) Interaction of Sedlin with chloride intracellular channel proteins. FEBS Lett. 540, 77-80.
    63. Yan X, Li F, Liang Y, Shen Y, Zhao X, Huang Q, and Zhu X*. (2003) Human Nudel and NudE as Regulators of Cytoplasmic Dynein in Poleward Protein Transport along the Mitotic Spindle. Mol Cell Biol. 23, 1239-50.
    64. Zhao X, Yang Z, Qian M, and Zhu X*. (2001) Interaction among subunits of human Arp2/3 complex: p20-Arc as the hub. Biochem Biophy Res Commun. 280, 513-517.
    65. Yan X., Zhao X, Qian M, Guo N, Gong X, and Zhu X*. (2000) Characterization and gene structure of a novel retinoblastoma-protein-associated protein similar to the transcription regulator TFII-I. Biochem J. 345, 749-757.
    66. Zhu X*. (1999) Structural requirements and dynamics of mitosin-kinetochore interaction in M phase. Mol Cell Biol. 19, 1016-1024.
    67. Zhu X*, Ding L, and Pei G (1997). Carboxyl terminus of mitosin is sufficient to confer spindle pole localization. J Cell Biochem. 66:441-449.
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